As an economist, statistician, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I hope this page inspires you to participate in “the greatest work on earth today,” the gathering of Israel.

Ever since I heard President Nelson give the address, “Hope of Israel” to the Youth of the Church in June 2018, I have felt inspired to participate in the gathering of Israel, learn everything I could about the gathering, and to share the light of the gospel.

I want to share resources with you to hep you to strengthen yourself and to gather Israel. I do this through sharing insights about the gathering of Israel that I have gained through my academic studies and by creating products.

I created several online visualization apps to help you find the gathering of Israel within the Book of Mormon, since President Nelson has said that the “Book of Mormon is central to that gathering.” I would love for you to check them out on the Apps page.

Finally, I love designing and sharing my favorite scriptures and quotes as inspiration for you. I also love finding new, creative ways to help you participate in the greatest work of gathering Israel.

Kristina Bishop